Read our Statement and find resources related to the US Tariffs situation HERE.
If you are a business that is less than 2 years old, please tell us about your experience starting a business in Mission through our NEW BUSINESS SURVEY.
As the Voice of Business, the Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce works toward making the region a competitive place to do business. That is why advocacy is core to our mandate.
Working with the municipality and through partnerships with Economic Development, the Chamber is able to ensure that business concerns are heard.
In collaboration with local Chambers and as a member of the BC Chamber of Commerce and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, we work with regional, provincial and federal policy-makers to continuously improve the business environment.
The Mission Chamber's Government Relations Committee recently developed a flowchart to show the Path to Advocacy. See it HERE.
BC Chamber Policy Development

The BC Chamber's grassroots policy-development process is second-to-none in British Columbia. Every year, the membership, Chambers of Commerce, and Boards of Trade develop policies that reflect B.C. businesses' on-the-ground needs. Through this process, our membership endorses approximately 50 new policies every year at the Annual General Meeting
Canadian Chamber Policy Development

Every year, member chambers of commerce and boards of trade, along with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s policy committees, are invited to submit resolutions of a national scope to the Canadian Chamber policy process. This process culminates in a democratic vote on the floor of their annual general meeting. Following approval at the AGM, we, along with our members, can move forward in our advocacy efforts based on the resolutions contained within the Policy Resolutions Books. Each resolution, once approved, has an effective lifespan of three years.
Recent accomplishments for the MISSION CHAMBER have included:
- BC Chamber of Commerce Calls on Government to Reduce Costs on Business
- BC Chamber of Commerce Launches Initiative to Address Acute Workforce Challenges
- BC Chamber of Commerce Statement on the Rising Cost of Doing Business in British Columbia
- BC Chamber of Commerce Statement on BC Green Party’s Proposal to Increase Employer Health Tax Threshold
- BC Chamber of Commerce Celebrates Policy Successes
- BC Chamber of Commerce Statement on Potential Property Tax Relief for Small Businesses and Non-Profits
- Letter of Support – Proposed Residential Development located at 43837 Lougheed Hwy., Lake Errock, BC
- Local Government Development Approvals Program Grant Application
- Joint Chamber of Commerce Letter of Support For Split Assessments and Property Tax Relief
- PST On Donations Policy passed at the 2017 BC Chamber AGM
- Remediation Standard for Substance Affected homes policy, passed at the 2016 BC Chamber AGM and the 2016 Canadian Chamber AGM
- Inter-municipal Business Licensing passed at the 2015 BC Chamber AGM
- Fraser River - Economic Importance of the Lower Fraser River Report passed at the 2014 BC Chamber AGM
- Canada Summer Jobs Grant Policy
Once policies are approved at the BC Chamber or Canadian Chamber, the MRCC continues to work with local members of parliament to encourage government support for the policies and to push for change.
Committee Work Timeline
Monthly Meeting - 3rd Tuesday at 9 AM